
I'm a full professor in software engineering at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

My research interests are in software evolution and software testing. My research goal is to make it easier for software engineers to create and maintain large-scale test suites manually or semi-automatically in a sustainable way.

I received my MSc (2002) and PhD (2006) from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, where I worked under the supervision of prof. dr. Serge Demeyer. In October 2006 I joined the Delft University of Technology as a post-doc to work together with prof. dr. Arie van Deursen. Later on I became an assistant/associate professor in the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) of Delft University of Technology. For the academic year 2007-2008 I was associated with the University of Antwerp as a part-time lecturer and I've taught the System Reengineering course at the University of Leicester (UK) from 2008 till 2010. In 2013 I was the recipient of an NWO Vidi career grant for my TestRoots research proposal. In 2019, NWO awarded me with their most prestigious Vici career grant. I am teaching basic programming, software testing and software reengineering.

I am the head of the Department of Software Technology of Delft University of Technology. The department brings together around 200 researchers, educators and support staff in the area of the design, engineering, and analysis of complex, distributed, and data-intensive software and computer systems.

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Key news

  • [09/2024] I received a Distinguished Reviewer Award for the 2024 International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME).
  • [08/07/2024] Carolin Brandt graduates cum laude. Congratulations Caro!
  • [01/01/2024] I became head of the department of TU Delft's department of Software Technology.
  • [24/06/2022] I've given my inaugural lecture "Software Quality: A Blessing or a Curse?". You can see it here.
  • [04/2022] My former PhD student Pouria Derakhshanfar wins the VERSEN PhD Award 2021. Congrats Pouria!
  • [01/2022] Our paper "Evaluating the Lifespan of Code Smells using Software Repository Mining" receives the Most Influential Paper award at SANER 2022!
  • [03/2020] My former PhD student Moritz Beller wins the VERSEN PhD Award 2019. Congrats Moritz!
  • [07/2019] I was appointed full professor in software quality.
  • [07/2019] My former PhD student Moritz Beller wins the IPA Best Dissertation Award. Congrats Moritz!
  • [04/2019] Excited to join the editorial board of the Empirical Software Engineering journal!
  • [26/02/2019] I was awarded a 1.5M euro NWO Vici grant (13% acceptance rate), the most prestigious Dutch individual research grant, for my TestShift proposal.
  • [23/11/2018] Moritz Beller graduates cum laude as the 1st PhD student of which I am officially promotor. Congratulations Moritz!
  • [06/2017] I was elected "Best CS Teacher" 2017 at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (Delft University of Technology). Thank you all (TA, co-teacher, ...) who helped me!
  • [02/2015] I've presented "Making Testing Fun" at TEDxDelft on February 27th, 2015! Watch it here
  • [06/2014] I was appointed associate professor.
  • [15/05/2013] I was awarded a 800K euro NWO Vidi grant, one of the most prestigious Dutch individual research grants, for my TestRoots proposal.
  • Team

    I've had / am having the privilege of (co)supervising the following PhD students, post-docs & scientific programmers:

    PhD students:


    Scientific programmers:



    My research interests can be situated in the larger area of software evolution and software testing. My primary aim is to better understand what difficulties software engineers face (1) when maintaining the software and (2) when testing the software. I often use empirical research methods to get to the bottom of these difficulties. In a subsequent design science step, I try to develop tools and techniques to alleviate these difficulties. More specifically, I have worked on reverse engineering existing software to better understand how it works and to offer people new to a software project a head start when trying to understand a software system. Something which is especially important in the light of missing or outdated requirements. I also have a keen interest in trying to understand how making changes to a software impacts its quality. In particular, how people test for the changes and what problems they face when testing in general. In other research, I also investigate: code clone management, repository mining, performance optimization, multi-tenancy, web API stability, agile requirements engineering (Just-In-Time Requirements Engineering) and automated static analysis tools (ASATs).


    Phone: +31-15-2784385
    Fax: +31-15-2786632
    Andy Zaidman
    Software Engineering Research Group
    Department of Software Technology
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering Mathetmatics and Computer Science
    Delft University of Technology

    Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
    2628 XE Delft
    The Netherlands
    Office: 1.W.860 (1st floor, west wing, room 860)